家乡: 纽约市
易胜博app安卓下载活动: The Circle Voice, Current Events Club, Groton Feminists, Debate Society, varsity tennis, Poetry Club
Most surprising when you first arrived at Groton: When I first arrived at Groton, I expected to become friends solely with other members of my form. However, I was quickly woven into a community with people from various forms and backgrounds. I was surprised by the interconnectedness of Groton and was relieved that I was part of a school that truly emphasized this core value.
最喜欢的课程: 全球近代史. This class altered my perspective on how I view the world and taught me how to think about history through a critical lens. 在整个课程中, I strengthened my writer's toolbox in addition to learning about different people and cultures across many eras. I loved this class because I learned something new every day and was thoroughly engaged by my teachers. The highlight of this class was writing a research paper on a topic of our choice. I chose to look at how Iranian women shaped and transformed the political, 社会, 以及卡扎尔王朝的经济领域.
最难忘的易胜博app安卓下载时刻: During my Fourth Form fall, the JV girls soccer team was fighting for a victory against St. 马克的. We hadn't had the most stellar season, but nevertheless, we were determined to have one last hurrah. In the final seconds, we were tied, but both teams decided that we needed closure. And thus, we had the most nail-biting kick-off I have ever witnessed. 我们一直不分上下,直到圣. 马克罚丢了最后一个点球. 我们只剩一次机会了. After much anticipation, we scored, and our team erupted in joyous shrieking. I'll never forget the energy and excitement we all shared.
最喜欢的食堂食物: This might be a hot take, but the Thanksgiving-style dinners are one of my favorite Groton meals.
最喜欢学习的地方: My go-to study spot typically depends on my workload and my mood, but I think the wooden tables on the third floor of the Schoolhouse are the most versatile study locations. They can function as both quiet spots where you can work independently and collaborative spaces to engage in discussions and work on group projects.